Summing up and moving on

Some 12 weeks ago the ONL course started, and the first topic was about digital literacies. I reflected on that by putting together a graph over my own digital literacies – strengths and short-comings. Now it is time to revisit that graph and see what has happened during these weeks. I thought by doing this I would have seen a marvelous development and increased skills, but it turns out it is quite the same or less than before. Why? Have I failed? Of course one have to consider that this is a subjective self-evaluation, still, why do I think that I know less, and have fewer skills now than before? The draw-backs are seen in communication and collaboration (i.e. participating in digital networks for learning and research), career and identity management (promoting myself in digital media) and ICT literacy ( adopt, adapt and use digital tools and applications). Well, I think it is the classic case of ‘the more you learn the less you know’. You come to realize ...