Hello? Is it anyone out there?

In this blog post I would like to focus on my own Personal Learning Networks – what they look like and how they could be taken further. A network could be described as a group, of varying size, and the group members all have different characters. In real life I often tend to take the role of a team-player in groups, trying to make sure that everyone is feeling acknowledged and valuable. But when it comes to online networks, I am one of the Hattifnattarna. Hattifnattar (Hattivatti) are creatures in the tales of the Moomin trolls (by Tove Jansson), and occurs almost exclusively in groups. They are small, white ghost-like creatures that can neither speak nor hear but have very good sensibility. Hattifnattarna are constantly traveling in their boats, staring wide-eyed at the distance, hoping that their goals will manifest themselves, so that the journey finally ends, something that unfortunately never happens. During the journey they never talk to each other; it is at all questionable...