The digital version of me - maybe a better one?

Digital literacy is not one single skill, but rather a whole bunch of them. Lucky me! They could be described in various ways and every inventory ends up with a different number of literacies (JICS, Belshaw) so it is not that obvious how to talk about them or describe them. I chose to go with the set of seven literacies described by the JICS. I mapped all literacies in a chart ranging from 0 (no skill what so ever) to 10 (complete expert) and then tried to map myself on to it all. This was quite good, because I lack confidence in my digital skills. Separating into different aspects showed me that I’m not a total lost case in all aspects, just a few, and I do have some strengths as well. As a consequence, it also became clear what I need to improve. About me and the digital world; as a rule of thumb, I like to reveal as little about myself on the internet as possible (which could hamper the development of digital skills). For that reason, I refrain of using social media...